Saturday, September 8, 2012

A walk in the park

Well not exactly a park, but I did take a walk with a camera in my back yard.  This is one of my favorite things to do.  Except for being nearly eaten by mosquitoes (they seem to be really bad this year) it was a productive outing.  I will share a few shots along with some comments.

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This is a "Rose of Sharon" which is a member of the hibiscus family.  It grows on a shrub which can quickly become a tree.  There is nothing special about this shot.  Standard set-up, I used a zoom lens to get close and EV was minus 1.3 to try and tame the direct sun.

Who, in the South, hasn't had your clothes or skin stained by pokeberries?
This time of year they are everywhere and I see them as a harbinger of fall.  The birds will eat well this year.  Same lens as before but this time a wide f-stop to blur the background.

This butterfly was backlit by the sun and I loved the fact that you see his antennae highlighted.  The color of the wings look great as does the "rim of light" surrounding the butterfly and the fig as well.  Shot with a 35mm prime lens with a pretty wide f-stop

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Soft focus can be your friend.  In this case the wide f-stop caused many of the details to be a bit soft, but on further consideration, I decided I liked it.  It gives the rose and the background a very "artsy" feel, almost like a painting.

Stand out whenever you can.  I laid on the grass to get this shot of a lone yellow dandelion amid a see of green grass, weeds and clover.  I totally abandoned the "rule of thirds" for this one (more about the rule of thirds in another post) but it works to emphasize the difference.  

Thanks for walking with me in our back yard.  Soon fall will be here and the yard will take on a totally different look and feel.  Who knows what winter will bring us this year.  We may even get some snow.

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