Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What camera should I buy?

I get this question all the time.  Friends that know I "take pictures" will invariably ask me.  The answer is simple, buy the camera that you will use.  Buy the camera that you will carry everywhere you go.  Buy the camera that you will learn how to use.  For most people this is usually as simple as their cell phone.  Cell phones today possess powers that just a few years ago would have been relegated to a science fiction novel.  Cell phone cameras take great pictures and there are some fantastic and easy to use apps that allow in-camera editing that can accomplish some pretty major effects.

click photos for larger view
This photo for example was taken with my cell phone.  A plain old HTC something or other and edited to saturate the colors and crop the image, all done in the phone with a free app I downloaded.  The main thing is that I was in Times Square, I saw a shot I liked and all I had was my cell phone.  The great thing is that it was more than adequate and gave me a good image of around 10 MP.

This photo, also taken in NY, was shot in Central Park with my little Nikon Coolpix point & shoot camera set on automatic with the built in flash turned off.  Again, I saw the shot, pulled the camera out of my pocket, framed and shot it.  I waited until I got home to do a little touch-up in Photoshop.

click photos for larger view
This shot, of uptown Charlotte, on the other hand, was done with my Nikon D90 on a tripod and using a remote trigger along with manual settings of 20 second shutter speed and f16Probably not something you could do with a cell phone or hand-held point & shoot camera.

The point of all this is that anybody can make good or even great pictures with almost any kind of equipment.  The keys are, learn how to use the camera and always carry it with you.  

I will be doing product reviews here so check back often and I will be happy to discuss your specific photography needs. 

Check out my website: keithlewisphotography.com

E-mail me: keith@keithlewisphotography.com

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I will definitely be sharing with friends that ask me this same question... you summed it up perfectly! :-)
