Well, you've done it. You managed to stumble across the hottest
photography blog on the internet. Pay no attention to the fact that
there are almost no followers yet. This is a temporary condition soon
to be corrected. All I have to do is get people to come here and read
my many words of photographic wisdom. Heck, I may even talk about
something other than photography once in a while. Let's start with the
easy stuff.
I'm Keith Lewis and I own Keith Lewis
Photography in Charlotte, NC. I have been taking pictures forever,
literally... My first foray into the photographic arts was when I was
about 8 years old and got a little Kodak 120 or 220 black and white
camera. I would shoot the roll of film and beg my Mother to send it off
for developing. Then the wait began. You got your next roll of film
when you got your pictures back so I was dead in the water until I got
the envelope with my pictures, mostly our dogs and cats and the
occasional snake or tree, and that new roll of film, I even loved the
smell of it. A few years later I graduated to a Kodak 126. It had the
black plastic cartridge with the film in it and I soon learned how to
break open the cartridge and pull the film out and develop it myself. I
had my own darkroom soon afterwards in my Mother's spare bathroom. I
was always working to make money so I could buy more equipment. Mowing
lawns, washing cars and working with my Dad, I soon was able to put a
new 35mm camera on layaway at K-Mart. Fast forward through many camera,
lenses, thousands of rolls of film, weddings, contests, Camera Clubs,
35mm, medium format, view cameras, and you come to the digital age. I
resisted digital initially but have fully embraced it now and continued
to be awed by the flexibility and raw potential of the medium. So
having retired from "corporate America" I am jumping in the water to
fulfill a lifelong dream of giving myself completely to this passion.
Keith Lewis Photography is my company, click the link to check out my
I will be giving all kinds of photography tips on this blog along with musings and opinions
on photography, people, and business in general. I also expect to do
product reviews of cameras, lenses, gadgets, and all manner of
equipment, new and old.
For the self-portrait above I
used a Nikon D-90 on a tripod with a remote control trigger. The camera
was set on manual mode at 1/60 and f13, ISO 200. I used 2 Nikon SB600
Speedgun electronic flash units on light stands. One flash camera right
with no diffusion and the other one high camera left pointed down to
highlight the right side of my hair. The "Hair light" had a snoot on it
and if you don't know what a snoot is you will have to come back
another day and find out. The remote flash units were triggered by the
built in commander on the D-90 which is a neat feature but has its
For more information about anything you
have read here, including technical stuff, gadget recommendations, more
about me and my business, or to just say hi, send me an e-mail